RD-blog-number-3954 by Herb Zinser reviews the EARTH iron core battle site in the geology/geogarphy Ferrous oxide IRON atom region in Fer= Ferguson, Missouri.
The word city is a subset word of electricity. Let's look at this form of LIFE and its expressions in Nature's city VIA human display devices ... Michael Brown, Darren Wilson, Wilson Hall, etc.
The EARTH LANGUAGE signaling event and its database ....
Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Brown, a young black man, was fatally shot by Darren Wilson ...
Let's look at Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE language clues that are embbedded as subset signals within the larger news report. Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we understand Charles Dickens " TALE of 2 Cities".
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get mapped to the destination range of physical biology with human activities of the geography surface of EARTH.
Now let's look at EVENT keywords and numbers .... an EVENT embedded within EARTH LANGUAGE ... and EVENT embbed as a subset database within the EARTH mathematical-physics information continuum on the geography surface of EARTH.
Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free encycloped
S Mic... el Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedi
System atoMIc element Brown / coppertone /reddish brown
What EVENT keywords and number help establish the LINK between copper, Nikoli Tesla earth waves and the city of electricity, and Micheal Brown.
..... At the time of his death, he was 6' 4" tall and weighed 292 lb -->
atomic number 29 for 2 copper wires
of alternating cycle (ac) electricity
... a young black man ....
...the legal system of city of copper elctricity uses human agents --> ACLU --> Alternating Cycle LU = biocomputer LU = Logical Unit.
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
National organization advocating individual rights (right triangles in plane geometry) , by litigating, legislating, and educating the public on a broad (LINEAR ALGEBRA math ) array of issues affecting individual (bi0-math functions) freedom in ....
degree of freedom (mathematics and statistics .....
social engineering LAWS and LEGAL policy) ... - Britannica
degree of freedom, in mathematics, any of the number of independent quantities necessary to express the values of all the variable properties of a system.
Let's continue to look for EARTH LANGUAGE and its geography MAP signals of nouns and numbers ...
Teenager shot, killed in Ferguson apartment complex ...
Thus we have a few models about electric and magnetic FIELD war in ST.Louis, Missouri.
Electrical engineers, physicists, and other scientists need to clarify which models accurately explain the situation in the geography St.Louis region and its Nikoli Tesla / Thomas Edison/ Hertz / Hemholtz ...
city of electricity.
Let's look at the periodic atomic table applications agent for Wilson Hall.
Darren Wilson (applications) and Wilson Hall (theory)
Darren Dean Wilsonwas born in Fort Worth, Texas on May 14, 1986.
He lives in Crestwood, Missouri,
a city of 11,000 people about 18 miles (29 km)
southwest of Ferguson, and was 28 years old at the time of the shooting.
Wilson first worked as a police officer in the police department of Jennings, Missouri, later disbanded
The crest signal refers to the sin wave ..................
Nikola Tesla Institute - Earth Resonance Project (at Ferguson) - SlideShare
Jun 8, 2014 - Earth resonance and Tesla's World System • Multiple resonant LC circuits and the effects of longitudinal waves interference • Inertial ...
Terrestrial stationary waves - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WikipediaJump to Schumann resonance hypothesis - The Schumann Resonance is a set of terrestrial stationary ... because the standing wave would occur in the earth-ionosphere ... at the very low frequencies that Tesla said that he employed ...
Nikola Tesla - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WikipediaTesla's radio wave experiments in 1896 were conducted in Gerlach Hotel (later ... lightning storms confirmed his belief that the earth had a resonant frequency.
Schumann resonances - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WikipediaAnimation of Schumann resonance in Earth's atmosphere. ... this waveguide to act as a resonant cavity for electromagnetic waves in the ELF band. .... Similarly, the amplitude of the Schumann resonance magnetic field (~1 picotesla) is many ...
Below , EARTH LAB region of Ferguson with atomic, bio-physics humans .............
More database clues .............. about Ferguson and Darren Wilson --> codes -- -> Fer + Wilson --> FermiLAB and its Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family .... atomic social science experiments in family planning
at Wilson Hall , Batavia, Illinois(e)
Darren Dean Wilson was born in Fort Worth, Texas on May 14, 1986.
He lives in Crestwood, Missouri,
a city of 11,000 people about 18 miles (29 km)
southwest of Ferguson, and was 28 years old at the time of the shooting.
Wilson first worked as a police officer in the police department of Jennings, Missouri, later disbanded
a city of 11,000 people about 18 miles (29 km)
--> atomic number 29 relative to 1
and was 28 years old at the time.
Here we use some computer science concepts .. and the COMPUTER EARTH system 370 model .
The brief outline ..... the suggestions ...... considers the copper atomic number of electrons ..... as an electron space around the atomic nucleus ...... a electron computer space around the nucleus going from electron 1 to electron 29.
Hence, the signal 29 km from Darren Wilson.
The commputer model CLUE comes from Nature's bio-computer specimen Darren Wilson ... time
28 year old --> number 28 relative to 0 ...... suggests
IBM Basic assembler langauge concept of displacement ......
Ordinary USING Instruction - e IBM Tivoli Composite
If you change the value in a base register being used, and want the assembler to compute displacements from this value, you must tell the assembler the new ...
HLASM V1R5 Programmer's Guide - USING - IBM
xxxx is the decimal value of the displacement, and must be less than or equal to ... the assembler to produce the USING Map section of the assembler listing.
]Assembler Course PowerPoints
csc.columbusstate.eduIBM documentation for the High-level Assembler is available over the web: ... In an assembled instruction, a Base/Displacement address looks like 4 hex digits:.
Basically, let's look at the English alphabet as an exmaple of data letters and their address location ....
The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters (uppercase or lowercase) – the same letters that are found in the ISO basic Latin alphabet:
data letter ---> A B C D ...........
location ---> 1 2 3 4 .......
Using displacement .. or distance away from the START location of position 1 ..
data letter ---> A B C D ...........
displacement --> 0 1 2 3
The calculation --> Start position add displacment = the location
Hence. letter A is at location 1 + displacement 0 moves = 1
Moving 1 position gives letter B
Hence, the EVENT database ....2900 block of Ferguson ...... Darren Wilson age 28 .. a cop / copper agent (next to copper 29) ... black man --> BLACK --> BL + mAC --> Base Locator AC
28 year old
28 year old --> Base 16 hexadecimal HEX'1D' = 29
28 year old lives in the
EARTH copper/iron ....
electric/magnetic fields
as described by the
mathematical-physics equations
of existence on EARTH LAB
Wilson first worked as a police officer in the police department of Jennings, Missouri, later disbanded
Wilson first worked as a police officer in the police department of Jennings, Missouri, later disbanded
Wilson first worked as a police officer in the police department of Jennings, Missouri, later disbanded
Ask a Scientist - Fermilab Education for Ferguson, Missouri
Directions to Wilson Hall, Fermilab and Darren Wilson
Both the Fermilab box office and Ramsey Auditorium are located in Wilson Hall, the central ... Wilson Hall is clearly visible from the Pine Street entrance.
EARTHLY parallel ...the Wilson Parallel
Tegmark's Parallel Universes - University of New Mexico