Z-paper-775 --> Janesville auto immune deficiency causes GM automobile factory closing

February 09, 2014

From the Z-paper series by Herb Zinser

Z-paper 775 uses SYMBOL MACHINE languages found in basic college math and science books to help undertsand  the social economics policies of the living EARTH cell.



Auto Immune Deficiency



Below, we see atomic information Highway 26  from Janesville...  northward to Johnson Creek





Above, the chromosome gene problems of Janesville workers at Gene Motors that work with automotive chrome bumpers and other chrome parts


Cytosine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cytosine /ˈsaɪtɵsɨn/ (C) is one of the four main bases found in DNA and RNA, along with adenine, guanine, and thymine (uracil in RNA). It is a pyrimidine ...


What is Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome? | Dr. Howard Prager

Autoimmune deficiency syndrome is where body's immune system malfunctions and attacks areas of the body such as the nervous system, joints, connective ...

Above, INTERNAL biology  descriptions 

Below, the EXTERNAL description  ... per Herbert Spencer internal and external correspondences theory



In other words ..  the living EARTH cell and its social economic systems

What is Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome? | Dr. Howard Prager

Autoimmune deficiency syndrome is where Nation's economic body's immune system malfunctions and attacks areas of the manufacturing body such as the  corporate business nervous system, joints, connective ...



Below we see the COMPUTER EARTH system 370  SYMBOL MACHINE and its assembly program  ....
with the GM assembly line as equivalent to 1 line of assembly instruction code.

The Wisconsin state legislature .. the state assembly  ... is another line of assembly program code.


Computer EARTH Base16 hexadecimal Highway 16 connects to ferrous oxide IRON atomic information highway 26 in Watertown.








AIDS and
 Basic mapping support (BMS) services

BMS functions supported in CICS


Symbolic Map
A symbolic description map set definition is processed and defined in the subdirectory. The member name is usually the same as the map set name, but it need not be. Alternatively, the symbolic map can be copied or inserted directly into the application program.


Physical Map
A physical map set definition is processed and defined in the CICS region's bin subdirectory. 


An attention identifier (AID) character--->

The 3270 data stream carries displayable data characters and non-displayable control characters between the host processor and an emulator.


For the human bio-computer systems in Wisconsin ..... 

The human age 32 to 70  data stream carries displayable data characters and non-displayable control characters between the host processor and an emulator.

You can enter any keyboard character into an unprotected field.


A numeric-only field is unprotected. On a data entry keyboard, a numeric-only field causes a numeric shift to occur.



Data cannot be entered in a protected field. If the operator attempts to enter data, the keyboard is locked.

Normal intensity
A normal intensity field displays the data at the normal operating intensity.


Bright intensity
A bright intensity field displays the data at a brighter than normal intensity. This is often used to highlight keywords, errors, or operator messages.


A nondisplay field does not display the data on the screen for operator viewing and does not print the field data.


Modified data tag (MDT)
The modified data tag is turned on when fields are modified by the operator. When the operator presses the ENTER key or a PF key, only fields that have been modified by the operator or selected by the cursor select are transmitted to the processor. The program can send fields to the terminal with the modified data tag already on to guarantee that the field is returned with the next inbound transmission.


Insert-cursor indicator
The insert-cursor indicator is not a field attribute. Instead, it places the cursor under the first data character of the field.













Below, we have the Dick and Jane grammar school book TEST in Janesville ...


vitamin D --> Vitamin Dictionary ...  symbol knowledge and concept deficiency ...... there GM factory workers ...have zero facts of life. 






Thus we see pieces to  interesting puzzles about human activities and their relationship to Nature's systems and system requirements.

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