The EARTH grid iron calendar and ferrous oxide football half-time

December 25, 2014

Rd-blog-number-4212 by Herb Zinser reviews the periodic atomic table and its ferrous oxide IRON atom expression system.



Let's look at two blogs that explain the EARTH grid iron  and the year 1993 bombing at the World Trade Center.
Then we  will conclude with the IRON atom .... football half-time report.


Principia Mathematica to * 56 book and the EARTH grid iron wars.


RD-blog-number-1256 by Herb Zinser reviews the database of the Jeffery Fowle experience in the IRON CITY of Chongjin, North Korea and Principia Mathematica book on the iron-56 isotope and its mathematical logic thoughts.

cover prin math

picture  - table 2

Number 55.85 is the average atomic mass of natural isotopes.

There are four naturally occurring isotopes of iron, Fe-54, Fe ... 29, 2012 It is true that there are four naturally occurring isotopes of iron:

5.845% of 54Fe,
91.754% of 56Fe,
2.119% of 57Fe and
0.282% of 58Fe. However, the atomic mass listed for an element of the periodic table is not represented by any of these. The atomic mass is a weighted average of all of the possible isotopes.

In this blog we are interest in the EARTH grid iron war ...such the September 11, 2001 attack on the 2 grid iron skyscrapers in Manhattan known as the World Trade Center at EARTH coordinates 40.7117° N, 74.0125° W World Trade Center, Coordinates

The Earth horizonthal coordinate of 40 degrees Latitude is a earth SPACE coordinate that links to the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) annd the erath TIME cooridinate that is represnted by Kip S. Thorne born in year 1940.

picture - logan 2

We have latitude 40 degrees, 41 degrees, 42 degrees , etc
At 42 degrees we have astrophysics agent Stephen Hawking .... born in year 1942.

Thus we have a TIME bandwidth between 1940 and 1942 ...and the corresponding Earth grid irion horizontal lines of SPACE bewteen 40 and 42 degrees latitude.

Within this earth SPACE bandwidth we see alot of tragic signaling EVENTS and other message activity ...that researchers ought be aware of.

EARTH coordinates 40.7117° N

world trade try

EARTH BATTLE at coordinates 40.7117° N

twin towers 7

Thus we have the TWO Towers ..... and 2 intellectual towers ..Thorne and Hawking and their respective universities .... that have failed as institutions that try to understand EVENTS and know how to communicate. Let's look at some other IRON WAR signals between 40 and 42 degrees latitude ......... or restated ..... 41 degrees latitude .... plus or minus 1 degree latitude.

Let's look at another blog post that give more examples of thre IRON WARS with the new Iron Lady ....... the Statute of Liberty.

The EARTH grid iron interceptor Jeffery Fowle and his military report

Rd-blog-number-1242 by Herb Zinser reviews the database created by the periodic atomic table element IRON and the Darwinian selection of an iron hemoglobin protein MILITARY RD agent ??? this being protein structure in humanoid format ?. Jeffery Fowle.

Let?s look at another blog post ?. that outlines the EARTH grid iron architecture and its interface with humans ?such as Jeffery Fowle.

The EARTH grid iron, the City of IRON, and Jeffery Fowle

Rd-blog-number-1226 by Herb Zinser reviews the information database created by Jeffery Fowle and the instinct of his IRON hemoglobin proteins that interact with the North Pole magnetic field and the EARTH iron core.

North Korea unexpectedly frees American Jeffrey Fowle ?

Oct 21, 2014 ? Fowle, 56, a street repair worker from Miamisburg, Ohio, was arrested in May for leaving a Bible at a sailor?s club in the North Korean city of ?

As a street repair worker, Nature activated him for active duty ? to help repair magnetic field streets and information highways, He was selected by Darwinian selection ?.. his resume of street work and the associated nouns and proper nouns ?
AND his sense of adventure
AND his boldness that was needed for Nature?s mission ?. resulted in the hematology selection of his iron HEME group Fe(2) molecules for the mission to the CITY of IRON.
Keywords/ numbers ?.. age 56

iron atom 26

Iron-56 ? Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iron-56 (56Fe) is the most common isotope of iron. About 91.754% of all iron is iron-56. Of all nuclides, iron-56 has the lowest mass per nucleon. With 8.8 MeV ?

Iron-56 Metal Isotope 56Fe | AMERICAN ELEMENTS ?
Iron 56 Metal (Iron-56) is a stable ?> application ?> age 56 Jeffery Fowle

jeffery fowle

Jeffery Fowle lives on the Earth geography surface as an iron HEME group structure within the magnetic field.

iron core - Earth

picture  - table 2

hemoglobin pricture

We perceive the EARTH geography surface with location coordinates of latitude, longitude, and altitude. This enable Nature?s COMPUTER EARTH sytem 370 to keep track of iron objects ,,,, including biology humans with IRON proteins.

earth latitude horizontal

Latitude (shown as a horizontal line) is the angular distance, in degrees, minutes, and seconds of a point north or south of the Equator. Lines of latitude are often referred to as parallels.

Longitude (shown as a vertical line) is the angular distance, in degrees, minutes, and seconds, of a point east or west of the Prime (Greenwich) Meridian. Lines of longitude are often referred to as meridians.

latitude lines

Thus ?given the above lines AND the EARTH;s magnetic field ?.. we have template / a map that could be laid over the geography surface of EARTH ?. a GRID IRON .

Gridiron football ? Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gridiron football, or North American football, is a form of football primarily played in the United States and Canada. The predominant forms of gridiron football are ?

?Gridiron ? ?Safety ? ?Blitz ? ?Protective equipment

Below, diagram of an American Football field (1904). The lines on the field originally made a checkerboard (or grid) pattern, which inspired the name ?gridiron.?

grid iron  year 1904

grid iron football EARTH measuring system

Let?s look at Nature?s DEMO of latitude line 41 degrees VIA the Jeffery Fowle age 56 CLUE.

U.S. Tourist Jeffrey Fowle Was Detained In North Korea For ?

The Huffington Post
Aug 1, 2014 ? SEOUL, Aug 2(Reuters) ? American tourist Jeffrey Fowle was arrested ? During his ten day trip to North Korea, Fowle?s fellow travelers described the middle-aged ? in Chongjin, a large industrial city on North Korea?s east coast, Fowle?s ? Media reports in Ohio said the 56-year-old is a church goer and was ?

US Tourist Jeffrey Fowle Was Arrested in North Korea for ? ? world

The Christian Post
Aug 3, 2014 ? North Korean authorities arrested U.S. tourist Jeffrey Fowle three months ago ? Fowle, a 56-year-old from Miamisburg, Ohio, who used to attend church ? Chongjin Seamen?s Club, in the North Korean city of Chongjin just before he ? lying under a bin meant for discarding used toilet paper by aged people.

korea 38th parallel

Ohio man who was released by North Korea after 6 months, hoped to aid underground Christian church
?> EARTH LANGUAGE underground code
Now, we notice the latitude coordinates of the State of Ohio in North America.

ohio cincinnaticolumbus ohio coordinateskorea 38th parallel

Thus we see that OHIO ?. is like North Korea ..its above the 38th Parallel .. the secret of geography and geology college graduates.

41.6656° N, 83.5753° W
Toledo, Ohio Coordinates --> horizontal line 41 degrees latitude is important
toldeo  and chong iron city north korea at 41 location

Thus Jeffery Fowle from OHIO geogarphy coordinates ..between the 38th Parallel and the 41st parallel ?traveled to North Korea similar area on Nature?s mission.

Thus he went from the EARTH geography source domain of OHIO and its EARTH blog CMS (Content Managemnt System) and went to destination range in Asia above the 38th parallel.

Ohio man held in North Korea hoped to aid church ? Daily Mail

Daily Mail
Oct 31, 2014 ? Released: Jeffrey Fowle talks about being detained in North Korea for ? paid about $3,900 for the tour, plus about $700 for a flight to Beijing.

math map domain football

41.8000° N, 129.7833° E
Chongjin, Coordinates --> 41 degrees latitude ... like Toledo Ohio and its IRON machine tools

chongjin north  korea ohio

Thus we see Toledo (machine tool and die industry) at 41 degrees and Chongjin(city of iron) at 41 degrees latitude ..north of the Equator.

Thus we have the EARTH horizontal line ..the EQUATOR and the 38th parallel and 41 degrees latitude.

Computer Earth system 370 BAL language has an EQUATE instruction.
Differences between machine and assembler instructions. ? As expected with an IBM language, code is stored in a PDS: Partitioned Dataset with a record length of. 80. Macros ?. The EQU -equate instruction can be used to define symbols.

Thus we see that Nature has EQUATED Jeffery Fowle?s OHIO with NORTH KOREA.
Thus we need to look at the information database of Jeffery Fowle?s data generating experience .. to see what keywords and numbers in his NORTH KOREA activities refer back to
activities in the State of OHIO (his activities or some industry or business group).
U.S. Tourist Jeffrey Fowle Was Detained In North Korea For ?

The Huffington Post
Aug 1, 2014 ? SEOUL, Aug 2(Reuters) ? American tourist Jeffrey Fowle was ? middle-aged street repairs worker from Miamisburg, Ohio as a warm, amiable, quiet man.

Civil war feedback control

Who else exists on the 41 degree horizontal line?

41.8319° N, 88.2572° W
Fermilab, Coordinates
fermiLAB   coordinates

Who exists on the horror ?> code ?> hor ?> Horror horizontal line of 41 degrees.

The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five people and injuring another twenty-one, before committing suicide.

The incident happened at the campus?s Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local time.

cole coordinates northern korea jeffery

Thus we see the HORROR line ?. Fe ?> February of Fe ?> Ferrous oxide IRON atomic calendar LINKED to Earth IRON CORE time schedule.

The 14th day super-symmetry physics MIRROR ?> 41

Thus the Earthly SPACE/TIME relationship ?.

14th day in ferrous oxide TIME dimension MIRROR

41 degrees horizontal latitude in the SPACE dimension using EARTH geography surface.

Thus we see that we need to understand the existence of FermiLAB, the citizen/ Federal government, and the citizen complete silence on Nature?s geography coordinate messages from the EARTH Grid-Iron.

Can you communicate this message to your friends with a science interest?

Finally, we see another message ..another Fer ?> Ferrous oxide IRON atom message
from Fer ?> Ferguson, Missouri (Michael Brown situation) ?> route to Fer ?> FermiLAB, Batavia, Illinois ?> route Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family .. mass communications atomic symbol Fe ?> Federal government analysts, scientists and researchers.

Shooting of Michael Brown ? Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Brown, an 18-year-old man, was fatally shot by Darren ?

?2014 Ferguson unrest ? ?Death of Eric Garner ? ?Rashomon effect ? ?August

Ferguson officer Darren Wilson resigns in wake of killing ?

USA Today

Nov 29, 2014 ? The white police officer who killed Michael Brown has resigned from the Ferguson Police Department, nearly four months after the confrontation ?

Was Michael Brown surrendering or advancing to attack ?

The Washington Post

Nov 29, 2014 ? Just before Michael Brown was felled by police bullets, he turned to face the officer, Darren Wilson, who had been in pursuit. Then, at ? Wilson, who the Associated Press said resigned from the Ferguson Police Department on ..

38.7442° N

Ferguson, Coordinates

refer to EARTH grid iron coordinates
38.7442° North Korea

Ferguson, Coordinates

korea 38th parallel

Ferguson, Missouri ? Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,_Missouri


Ferguson is a city in St. Louis County, Missouri, United States. It is part of the Greater St. Louis metropolitan area. The population was 21,203 at the 2010 census.

?Shooting of Michael Brown ? ?2014 Ferguson unrest ? ?St. Louis County, Missouri

Fer (FermiLAB and Ferguson)

officer Darren Wilson and Wilson Hall ?

Picture - elvis 30

Thus we see ? as per idea ?.. the EARTH grid iron (per football filed suggestion ?.. of the unit of measurement ? the 10 yard increments ) and the North Pole magnetic field ?? data field flow lines ?..etc

Black Holes & Time Warps: Einstein?s Outrageous Legacy ? ? ? ? Physics ? Relativity

Black holes, down which anything can fall but from which nothing can return; ? Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, ? tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the

tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the

tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the

tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the
tapestry ?subset word ?> tape ?> the Nixon tape ?? the North pole magnetic field flow lines are like ??..

ibm tape drive  1

Thus we see super-symmetry physics and parallel processing provide partial MIRRORS to other structures and formats of Nature's expression systems.


The other blog post .....


Principia Mathemamtica to * 56 ..... iron-56 isotope explains year 1993 bombing

Rd-blog-number-4201 by Herb Zinser reviews the year 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

1993 World Trade Center Bombing Fast Facts -
Apr 5, 2014 - (CNN) -- Here's some background information about the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing which killed six people and injured more than ...
Missing: 1993

World trade cenetr 1993  3 bombing

1993 World Trade Center bombing - Wikipedia, the free ...
The 1993 World Trade Center bombing was a terrorist attack that occurred on February 26, 1993, when a truck bomb was detonated below the North Tower of ...

world trade bomb   8

world trade  bomb 5

The key news magazine CLUE of the bombing .........

time bomb year 1993  world trade center

Thus we think ....... TIME ... TIME....TIME code (TC)

February 26, 1993
February 26, 1993

picture  - table 2

Thus we see the bombing as an expression of the periodic atomic table VIA humanoid message carriers / agents.

The periodic atomic table of elements of thought and life has many formats of expression on the EARTH geography surface. One such DISPLAY format are humanoids that have several aspects to their existence.
They have their individual lives partitioned into sections that overlap.

Part of their life is in the educational system, part of their life is a member of the community, part of their life they work in a business environments environment,etc.

In addition, Nature's may use the humanoid for special military assignments ..... hence, the Darwinian selection of programmable humanoids whose brain can receive and obey Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE instructions and molecular commands to the iron Hemoglobin proteins .... hence, the iron Hemoglobin proteins obey the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family actions ..regarding atomic social science conflicts at the ARGUMENT / conflict site of Argonne National Labs near Chicago, Illinois.

hemoglobin pricture

Let's look at the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities

1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
physical biology of hemoglobin, humans, cellulose botany trees, etc.

2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.

Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

What is such an example of a powerful SYMBOL MACHINE document and its codes? From year 1910..we have ...

cover prin math

The Principia Mathematica is a three-volume work on the foundations of mathematics, written by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell and published in 1910, 1912, and 1913. In 1927, it appeared in a second edition with an important Introduction To the Second Edition, an Appendix A that replaced ✸9 and an all-new Appendix C.

PM, as it is often abbreviated, was an attempt to describe a set of axioms and inference rules in symbolic logic from which all mathematical truths could in principle be proven. As such, this ambitious project is of great importance in the history of mathematics and philosophy,[1] being one of the foremost products of the belief that such an undertaking may be achievable

The Modern Library placed it 23rd in a list of the top 100 English-language nonfiction books of the twentieth century.

What is code --> to * 56?

Iron-56 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iron-56 (56Fe) is the most common isotope of iron. About 91.754% of all iron is iron-56. Of all nuclides, iron-56 has the lowest mass per nucleon. With 8.8 MeV ...

Isotopes of iron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Iron-56 - [edit]. Main article: Iron-56. The isotope 56Fe is the isotope with the lowest mass per nucleon, 930.412 MeV/c2, though not the ...

Iron-56 Metal Isotope 56Fe | AMERICAN ELEMENTS ...
Iron 56 Metal (Iron-56) is a stable (non-radioactive) isotope of Iron. It is both naturally occurring and a produced by fission. Iron 56 Metal is one of over 250 stable ...

iron 56  1

The iron-56 isotope expressed a message in Europe in year 1956.

A Rip in the Iron Curtain: Photos From the Hungarian ... - Life
Life Magazine
Oct 26, 2013 - Recalling the 1956 Hungarian uprising against the Soviet Union through photographs by the great Michael Rougier.

Hungary in Revolt, 1956: The First Rip in the Iron Curtain ...
The Huffington Post
Oct 23, 2014 - It lasted less than three weeks, from October 23 until November 10, but the Hungarian Revolution that convulsed Budapest and the rest of ...

hungary 1956 tank

PM, as it is often abbreviated, was an attempt to describe a set of axioms and inference rules in symbolic logic from which all mathematical truths could in principle be proven. As such, this ambitious project is of great importance in the history of mathematics and philosophy

Thus in year 1956...we have PM --> bio-math-logic military agent ...


Pál Maléter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaál_Maléter
Pál Maléter (4 September 1917 – 16 June 1958) was the military leader of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. Maléter was born to Hungarian parents in Eperjes, ...

principia math

maleter pal

In year 2014 ..universities continue to deny these signals ... as hypnotized college graduate students obey the only TRUE Fe --> the Ferrous oxide atoms ...... the bio-physics structure --> Fe = Female and her bedroom CONTROL SYSTEM to control the male perceptions of other ferrous oxide IRON atom message EVENTS on the geography surface of MOTHER EARTH.

Thus we see the more accurate explanation about the World Trade Center bombing on February 26, 1993 in New York City.

The surface veneer explanation of the EVENT ( date, time, location, police data gathered, etc) provide an excellent database for other researchers using other analysis tools.

A few such tragic signaling events ..... may be explained by the deeper levels of REALITY that may underlie a news EVENT.

abstarction ladder 2 larger

Thus we see year 1956 and year 1993 ... have some common IRON atom influences ...upon human affairs and events.

This makes sense .. we live on the EARTH surface ...and over millions of years of evolution ...iron ought have made some connection/ some LINK to human social structure and some events that occur ..that may be signals about that core LINK..........

iron core - Earth


Now, let's look at  the football half-time report.

The blog post above ..... emphasize IRON and the influence of IRON in world affairs.

Thus the question becomes  ....... what are some of the IRON secrets of the football grid iron sport.


How long is a halftime in american football?,345489,345515
Feb 5, 2006 - 17 posts - ‎14 authors
American football games are divided into four 15-minute quarters, separated by a 12-minute break at half-time. There are also 2-minute breaks ...



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Half time (disambiguation).

In some team sports such as association football and rugby, matches are played in two halves. Half-time (also written halftime or half time) is the name given to the interval between the two halves of the match. Typically, after half-time teams swap ends of the field of play, in order to reduce any advantage that may be gained from wind or a slope to the pitch, for example.

While it exists mainly to allow competitors to rest briefly and recover from the play of the first half, half-time also serves a number of other purposes. It also serves as an intermission for spectators, and it often features entertainment, such as cheerleading performances





Half-time  of 52 weeks per year?  

Answer --> Ferrous oxide atomic number 26.
Answered  --> Fe 26   ..... answer delivered
on Fe = February 26,1993



1993 World Trade Center bombing - Wikipedia, the free ...
The 1993 World Trade Center bombing was a terrorist attack that occurred on February 26, 1993, when a truck bomb was detonated below the North Tower of ...

Half-time SIGNAL  from the

EARTH iron core -->
EARTH geography grid iron surface -->
EARTH grid iron skyscraper building


Thus is believed  ..that the Earth iron core has a ferrous oxide atomic CLOCK  based on the atomic number 26 ......
and this EARTH iron core atomic number was projected outward to the EARTH geography surface as 26 intervals and 26 intervals  --> 52 weeks per year  AND then ..Nature coordinated this with the decisions about the Solar System calendar ... with the decision to go with the 52 weeks partition of  1 year of time.

Thus Nature arranged VIA humanoid intermediates ... to send some messages to get geology and societies attention on these matters.

Oregon Scientific Atomic Projection Clocks


    Oregon Scientific state-of-the-art weather stations, atomic clocks, weather radios, barometers, thermometers, weather forecasters and more all at wholesale ...

Atomic Projection Clocks | Oregon Scientific Store


    Items 1 - 12 of 12 - Atomic clocks, projection clocks and atomic digital wall clocks by Oregon Scientific, all at wholesale prices.



The 2nd message about the EARTH iron core and its INTERNAL gears and clock gears  ..... was VIA the Falk Iron Gear factory explosion  in Milwaukee, Wisconsin  ...with event  ATOMIC TIME signal code 26.

2006 Falk Corporation explosion - Wikipedia, the free ...

The Falk Corporation manufactures large industrial gears, couplings, chains, bearings ... Located in the Menomonee River Valley in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, it is ... 


2006 Falk Corporation explosion - Wikipedia, the free ...

2006 Falk Corporation explosion - Wikipedia, the free ...

2006  --> double helix  Time code --> partition number 2006 into 2 parts -->   20  + 06 --> add the numbers --> giving atomic number 26  message for companies in the iron industries

The Falk Corporation manufactures large industrial gears, couplings, chains, bearings ... Located in the Menomonee River Valley in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, it is ...




Darwinian selection of Falk Iron Gear for the creation of the attention getting message    ..because  the Falk .... large sized iron gears ...
best representation  .... and imply  ----> EARTH iron core watch gears. 


Thus we have some pieces to a puzzling message from Nature' EARTH  systems.

January February March April May June July August (1) September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January (1) February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December