Z-paper-829 --> Atomic social science tragedies - CRY physicsFrom the Z-paper series by Herb Zinser Z-paper 829 uses atomic English language tools to help understand atomic social science EVENTS and their tragic information signals.
Northern Illinois University shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Cole Hall today - [edit]. After February 14, 2008, Cole Hall
Six dead in NIU shooting | abc7chicago.com
Feb 12, 2010 - A gunman shot and killed five people at NIU before turning the gun on ... The lecture hall, Cole Hall, is a central point on the DeKalb campus, ..
Electrons In The Shells and messenger Bullet ShellsTake a look at the picture below. Each of those colored balls is an electron. In an atom, the electrons spin around the center, also called the nucleus. The electrons like to be in separate shells. Shell number one can only hold 2 electrons, shell two can hold 8, and for the first eighteen elements shell three can hold a maximum of eight electrons.
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So... for the element of NITROGEN, you already know that the atomic number tells you the number of electrons. That means there are 7 electrons in a nitrogen atom. Looking at the picture, you can see there are two electrons in shell one and five in shell two.
Above, we have the INTERNAL model to the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family
Below, we have the EXTERNAL display model on the geography surface of EARTH
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So... for the practical display of periodic atomic table anger .....element of NITROGEN at NIL university, the atomic number tells you the number of electrons. That means there are 7 electrons in a nitrogen atom.
Looking at the above atomic expression picture in EXTERNAL format, you can see there are two electrons in shell one (the concrete building) and five (5 dead wave mechanics/ oceanography students) in shell two.
Thus we see the atomic CATCH 22 book equation --> two electrons (in shell one) + shell two
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Consider 2 Nitrogen atoms and their atomic political science expression ... VIA the LUNG election of nitrogen molecule President N N --> the nitrogen proper noun identifier NixoN in year 1968.
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The Nikoli Tesla EARTH system and its ground stategrounal
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Levels of bio-computer CODE
IBM system 370 CO1 --> Code level 1 for copper wire computer main frames
Human system 37.0 Celsius --> CO2 --> Code level 2 with the Carbon Dioxide molecular information processor
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The evolution of military requirements and the need for thinkers ..... that are NOT locked into the ancient, traditional VIEW of warfare.
Today, in year 2014 ..we have Language WARS, molecular wars, etc ...... that are expressed VIA human display devices.
William Shakespeare expressed this message in TIME address space ... year 1600 for COMPUTER EARTH geography surface / land SPACE ..... the SPACE Base 16 address space at location --> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Nature's military ......advanced ROTC using atomic bio-physics humanoids ...
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Molecular spectroscopy > Theory of molecular spectra > Rotational energy states
Below, Virginia TECH advanced ENGLISH class on OMISSIONS ... regarding the incomplete explanations of the Norris Hall social engineering and brain engineering shooting on April 16.
Thus you have some pieces to a puzzle about Nature and man. Why are we are told incomplete and biased explanations in newspapers? One major reason, is that they don't teach much science in journalism school. 2nd, we have the C.P.SNOW 1959 lecture " TWO CULTURES' and the current SCIENCE WARS in progress from year 1996 thru 2014. The EDward SNOWDEN affair is really about the C.P. SNOW intellectual wars and the failure to communicate.
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