The bio-radio EM war regions ---- the human brain stem, temple, embyro

March 22, 2015

RD-blog-number-4487 by Herb Zinser reviews the television and radio

electromagnetic ATTACKS against the

human brain stem,

brain temple, and fetus embyro.




A few months ago,  the radio reception next to my work desk started to faded out.  This happened before, weather or something changed the arrival of radio waves.  By moving the metal antenna  a little bit to another position, radio reception was restored.

Okay, that day ..that moment .. the radio was fading out.  I was reading something on the INTERNET computer  screen and by reflex i placed my right hand on adjacent radio   .....  as I continued reading.    
STOP. Hold it. Wait a second.  I did not move the metal antenna    ..but radio reception improved 100 %.

Wait  ..that's happened before.

The moment of realization  ..that I my body is a bio-radio antenna  ...and that implies that brain bio-radio probably exists.

A little research ... apparently that is a well-known concept.


Radiohead - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Radiohead are an English rock band from Abingdon, Oxfordshire, formed in 1985. The band consists of Thom Yorke (lead vocals, guitar, piano), Jonny ...


Talking Heads - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Talking Heads performing at the Horseshoe Tavern in Toronto, Ontario, ..... name from the Talking Heads song "Radio Head" from the 1986 album True Stories.

Thus we have humans with different brain software a sense ... we have the human physical biology species ....divided into different brain software and thought species.

Are you a bio-radio device?
Are you a EAR/mouth person  ...talking  talking talking?

Me, I read basic math and science books ...and the serious news reports  ..... thus I an an eye/optical nerve/ SYMBOL PROCESSOR human.


Let's look at the Federal Communication Commission and its approval of the EM attack upon human thinkers and intellectuals  ... as they use television and radio comedy  program instructions   ... to program  the brain bio-computer with nonsense instructions.   The instructions are transmitted via EM waves and
are implanted directly into the brain  STEM.

Let's look at another blog post that outlines the situation with some actual example of EM war deaths.


The K-channel war at

Emmet township results explains

the death of Haroon Khan

and SiKH Temple shooting   


Rd-blog-number-4479  by Herb Zinser reviews the Milwaukee area SiKH Temple shooting database  and the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee database  about the biochemistry murder of Haroon KHan at the ElectroMagnetic field metabolism location of EMMET township near Watertown. 

EMMET --> EM +MET --> ElectroMagnetic ineraction site with Metabolism




On August 5, 2012, 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Page took his life ...

Incident - ‎Victims - ‎Perpetrator - ‎Reactions




Function of specific K(+) channels in sustained high ...

National Center for Biotechnology Information
by A Erisir - ‎1999 - ‎Cited by 291 - ‎Related articles

J Neurophysiol. 1999 Nov;82(5):2476-89.
Function of specific K(+) channels in sustained high-frequency firing of fast-spiking neocortical interneurons. Erisir A(1) ...


Modulation of the Kv3.1b Potassium Channel Isoform ...

The Journal of Neuroscience
by CM Macica - ‎2003 - ‎Cited by 84 - ‎Related articles

Modulation of the Kv3.1b Potassium Channel. Isoform Adjusts the Fidelity of the Firing Pattern of. Auditory Neurons. Carolyn M. Macica,1 Christian A. A. von ...


Full Text - Journal of Neuroscience

The Journal of Neuroscience
by JL Massengill - ‎1997 - ‎Cited by 116 - ‎Related articles

Differential Expression of K4-AP Currents and Kv3.1 Potassium Channel ..... As seen in the slice preparation,
neurons that could fire only a single AP in ...





Full Text - Journal of Neuroscience

The Journal of Neuroscience
by JL Massengill - ‎1997 - ‎Cited by 116 - ‎Related articles

Differential Expression of K4-AP Currents and Kv3.1 Potassium Channel ..... As seen in the slice preparation, neurons that could fire a gun VIA a human representative for Nature's brain MILITARY systems   





Action potential - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



The Na+ and K+ gated ion channels open and close as the membrane reaches the ..... at which cellular
action potentials are produced is known as its firing rate. 


Action potential  DEMO via Wade Micheal Page (read a college biochemistry  textbook page for more details of neuron MILITARY expression system)


Following emergency calls around 10:25 a.m. CDT, police responded to a shooting at a Sikhgurdwara located in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. On arrival, they engaged the gunman, later identified as Wade Michael Page, who had shot several people at the temple, killing six. Page wounded an officer; after being shot in the stomach by another, he fatally shot himself in the head. 


He was armed with a Springfield XD(M)9-millimetersemi-automatic pistol  ........ with a firing rate for Nature's neuron MILITARY expression systems.



Keyword -->  SIKH  --> subset letter K  ....... an information pointer to the K channel wars.


SikH Temple --> K temple --> 



Function of specific K(+) channels in sustained high ...

National Center for Biotechnology Information
by A Erisir - ‎1999 - ‎Cited by 291 - ‎Related articles

J Neurophysiol. 1999 Nov;82(5):2476-89. Function of specific K(+) channels in sustained high-frequency firing of fast-spiking neocortical interneurons. Erisir A(1) ...



Above, skin displacement at SiKH Temple in Oak Creek.




Oak Creek implies creek / water / aqua  ---> therefore the selectivity filter --> Darwin  selection of Mr.Page.



Page had ties to white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups, and was reportedly a member of the Hammerskins.[23] He entered the white power music scene in 2000, becoming involved in several neo-Nazi bands.


neo-Nazi bands (External Format) 

neo-Na ... sodium chemistry symbol Na --> Na zi bands.

neo-Na --> sodium  atom/ molecule message  bands  ..from the brain system .


Below, Na   ...... that is Na neuroscience. ..  Nazi sodium molecule CODE messages 




Thus Nature's molecular systems had a JOB OPENING  ... and the selectivity  filter  selected the human brain temples of the SiKH people and  Wade Michael Page   ..thus the Oak Creek ..creek ..flow ..information data stream of consciousness  flowing from the EVENT database.


Now, let's look at an additional factor of the  INTERNAL biology / neuroscience K-channel situation...the EXTERNAL K radio channel  ..electromagnetic radio stations.


keyword components --> sikH --> si + Kh --> sin wave KHZ  





Thus code word --> SiKH --> Sin KHZ --> Sin wave KHZ  ........... radio and  possibly bio-radio ..



500 kHz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Since early in the 20th century, the radio frequency of 500 kilohertz (500 kHz) has been an international calling
distress frequency for Morse code


Oak Creek is in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin  area.

The message is ignored






Thus we have  few  major factors involved in the SiKH temple shooting  and Nature's creation of the EVENT to provide an empirical database to researchers in biochemistry, neuroscience,  living EARTH cell technology, and SYMBOL MACHINE communication methods.


a) the  SikH Temple  (an EXTERNAL building of cement, bricks, furniture) as a  
super-symmetry bio-physics MIRROR of the INTERNAL  brain temple and the surronding bio-computer  data processing region.



Temple (anatomy) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Temporal bone is orange, and the temple overlies the temporal bone as well as overlying the sphenoid bone. ... The brain has a lobe called the temporal lobe.

b) the SiKH   biochemistry code --> si + KH  with K=potassium and H = Hydrogen (the LINK to water molecules or organic molecules) 
The SiKH code --> K = potassium is a LINK to the potassium atom probability DISPLAY in the Millwaukee region  ...known as the  Potassium casino 



Potawatomi Hotel & Casino in Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Potawatomi Hotel & Casino

Book a room at Potawatomi Hotel & Casino in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for your next getaway! Enjoy slots, table games, bingo, poker, live shows and 5 restaurants.

Address: 1721 W Canal St, Milwaukee, WI 53233


Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE codes --> Potawatomi 
--> Potawatomi
.....Pota --> potassium 
--> Potawatomi
--> Potawatomi Casino
.................atomic  probability site for Boise-Einstein, binomial,
Fermi-Dirac and other distribution expressions. 
The citizen/ Federal government has ordered  FermiLAB to deny the existence of these things   .... and to lie to the citizen population and college students  about the NATURE of REALITY.  
--> Potawatomi
..............wat ---> water molecule
--> Potawatomi
......pota + wato +omi --> potassium highway K and atomic number at Highway 19 Watertown Wisconsin ......... oxygen molecule interface 




Address: 1721 W Canal St, Milwaukee, WI 53233
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE codes --> Potassium + Canal street
Canal / street --> words equivalent to Channel 
Therefore the equivalence messages 
a) Potawatomi  Canal Street
b) Potassium  Canal / Channel 
c)  K   Channel   ........... and the LINK to the K channel of the Oak Creek ..SiKH Temple building
Thus we have 2 real esate building of cement, brick, glass, furniture ,,etc ..... in the South Milwaukee geography region with   many common denominators   ..... adding some more complexity to Nature's software architecture (with words, nouns, locations)  and Nature's message output system for those few humans interested in the finer details of  Sartre existentialism ...and its application  informations displays.
Thus Potawatomi on Canal Street --> K-channel message to nueroscience researchers who believe in the existence of the  EARTH geography city of Milwaukee  VERSUS Hollywood brain realms. 



Above, Na channel --> output formats ....


Neocortex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
National Center for Biotechnology Information
by D Purves - ‎2001 - ‎Related articles

These cortical fields associate information from every sensory modality ... Cover of Neuroscience ... The Relationship between Neocortex and Amygdala.

Above picture and the INTERNET words  ...
.--->   Neocortex +  Na channel   ... subset words   
.........Neo .............Na 
.........Neo-Na  .... therefore the ouput codes
.........Neo-Nazi   message VIA Wade Michael Page....
--> Neo-cortex theory
................text --> implies textbook --> page --> delivery messenger Wade Michael Page
Wade michael Page
atomic expression Page via humanoid display device / human carrier of the messages





Now, let's look at the next information LINK  that  reinforces the SiKH Temple  and  Potawatomi Casino  ..... Milwaukee neuroscience problem regions and the CONFLICT situation and its generated tragic messages 


Potawatomi Hotel & Casino in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Potawatomi Hotel & Casino

Book a room at Potawatomi Hotel & Casino in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for your next getaway! Enjoy slots, table games, bingo, poker, live shows and 5 restaurants.

Address: 1721 W Canal St, Milwaukee, WI 53233
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE codes --> Potawatomi 
--> Potawatomi
.....Pota --> potassium 
--> Potawatomi
--> Potawatomi Casino
.................atomic  probability site
--> Potawatomi
..............wat ---> water molecule
--> Potawatomi
......pota + wato +omi --> potassium highway K and atomic number at Highway 19 Watertown Wisconsin ......... oxygen molecule interface 



Above, yellow site is Watertown.

To the west (left) is  potassium Highway 19 going to the University of Wisconsin in Madison.


Above, County Highway K ...... thus we have a parallel processing region to Milwaukee code --> Potawatomi



Above we have Emmet equation --> emmet --> EM + metabolism.


Now, we have the tragic EVENT of Haroon KHan and Travis Zoellick   ...a signal about the brain neuron tragedy at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.



UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say › ... › Milwaukee County
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Oct 7, 2008 - Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and Travis W. Zoellick wanted one just like it. When Khan put his up for sale, ...


UPDATE: Student Murdered - NBC15 WMTV


Sep 7, 2009 - Police say Zaborek admitted knowing his friend killed the student, but remained ... Tammi L. LaFave is accused of helping kidnap Haroon Khan, whose ... in a shallow grave in the Town of Emmet in southern Dodge County.

Missing: township



Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and Travis W. Zoellick wanted one just like it.

When Khan put his up for sale, Zoellick answered the ad.

But instead of showing up with cash or a checkbook, Zoellick met Khan armed with a handgun, zip ties and duct tape.

Within days, both men would end up dead.

Khan, a 31-year-old University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee student and businessman, was reported missing Wednesday, the day he told his family he was showing his car to prospective buyers and the day he didn’t show up for dinner at his parents’ house in Mequon to celebrate the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

According to court documents filed Monday, it was also the day Zoellick and his girlfriend drove from Watertown to Khan’s home near the UWM campus, kidnapped him, returned to Watertown and killed him.



Zoellick also confessed to Zaborek that he pulled a gun on Khan, bound him with zip ties and covered his eyes with duct tape. Khan was driven to Watertown, where he was stabbed repeatedly and buried on a 

20-acre parcel where Zoellick

was helping his parents build a duplex that “was going to be the house of their dreams,” Nehls said.


Thus we have the EMMET --> EM + met --> electromagnetic metabolism WAR site



The EMMET --> EM + met --> electromagnetic metabolism WAR site


The specific  message ............... 


20-acre in EMMET


20-ac (alternating cycle)


.. therefore the B100D of  KHan ....
equation of  nearby Water
100  ....


B100D --> B + number 100 + D .....therefor


20-acres + B100D of KHan --> 20 + 100 --> 120 Ac message



Remeber that the b100d  KHan  (alive) used number 120 ....

Blood Pressure : What is normal blood pressure? › Home › Blood Pressure and You › The basics

Ideally, we should all have a
blood pressure below 120
over 80 (120/80). This is the ideal blood pressure for people wishing to have good health. At this level ...





Zoellick also confessed to Zaborek that he pulled a gun on Khan, bound him with zip ties and covered his eyes with duct tape. 


eyes with duct tape.  .... message

eyes with duct tape. 

eyes with duct  --> logic deductions and induction thoughts /  inference / extrapolations from the REALITY database


Thus we begin to see the common factors involved in the  Milwaukee region  and   Watertown tragedies.


From the living EARTH cell point of view ......

 we have the  K-channel (County Road K ) at  Watertown ..the aqua region ..hence 



Thus Water100 and Watertown  ..... then aqueous channel region  ...with atomic number Highway 19 as the Potassium channel.



Above, we have the astrophysics galactic LOCAL: REGION (Planet earth)  VIEW  of the living EARTH cell and its selectivity of people within that geography region to act as messengers for the Hubbleton  ... Hubble secret  astronomy project.


Currently, an INTELLECTUAL  neutrotransmitter war in the region has prompted various books about Hubbleton.



From the living EARTH cell point of view ......

 we have the  K-channel (County Road K ) at  Watertown ..the aqua region ..hence 




  1. Potassium channel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    In the field of cell biology, potassium channels are the most widely distributed type of ion channel and are found in virtually all living organisms. They form ...

    Above, the living EARTH cell K-channel with potassium highway 19 to UW, Madison.


In Milwuakee, we had Potawatomi Casino  on  Canal Street --> translates to K Canal Street --> K Channel.
In Oak Creek we had the above  ..and in  addition .....
the code word --> SiKH --> Si + KH --> sin wave 500  KHZ radio frequency as a Morse code.
County Highway K  and  the Milwuakee K casino channel ... as a K channel 




Now, we look at another example from Nature's biochemistry expression system ..involving K --> represented by the geography country of North and South Korea.


Miamisburg man detained in N. Korea is family man of three ...


USA Today

Nov 1, 2014 - Jeffrey Fowle of Miamisburg, Ohio, gives his account of detention in North Korea. Fowle was detained for six months after purposefully leaving ...





Thus we have keyword codes..


Miamisburg ...........subset letters  

....ami --> amino acids and biochemsitry 


North Korea asia .... -> symbols  N K  a --> N K a --> Na  K ..... a K-channel message from EARTH geography region of North Korea VIA the amino acid agent from Miamsburg.



The DMZ separates the 2 countries.


Korean Demilitarized Zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to DMZ-related incidents and incursions- October 1966–October 1969: The Korean DMZ Conflict, a series of skirmishes along the DMZ, results in 43 ...



Thus we see Nature's message  ...the geography region K with a channel ... the K-channel ...the Korea - channel (the DMZ channel zone in Korea).
 What is Nature telling us? Good question ..for you to work on.


Meanwhile ..let;s retuwn to Jeffery Fowle, a husband and his trip to K (Korea).


North Korea Frees American Detainee Jeffrey Fowle - WSJ

The Wall Street Journal

Oct 21, 2014 - An American tourist held in North Korea since the spring has been ... Jeffrey Fowle, 56 years old, was released by Pyongyang and was being ...


The keyword codes ...........


--> husband  and his past wedding reception ....... subset word ............................... reception .... implies

...........bandwidth reception ...some type of human bio-molecular radio 


Bandwidth (signal processing) - Wikipedia, the free ...



Bandwidth is the difference between the upper and lower frequencies in a continuous set of frequencies. It is typically measured in hertz, and may sometimes refer to passband bandwidth, sometimes to baseband bandwidth, depending on context.


Radiohead parallel to husband secrets of bio-physics  - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Radiohead: Thom Yorke, Jonny Greenwood, Colin Greenwood, Ed O'Brien, Phil .... Some critics compared the band's early style to the wave of grunge music ...




Emotional reunion as Jeffrey Fowle, held by North Korea ...



Oct 22, 2014 - After five months of detention in North Korea, Jeffrey Fowle arrived home in ... Pyongyang's move is "a signal to the U.S. that says, 'All right, let's ..

Thus we have   EM = Electro-Magnetic reunion  ....

.Pyon --> permutation of symbols --> Poyn ....



Poynting's theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia's_theorem

Jump to Poynting vector - Main article: Poynting vector ... which physically means the energy transfer due to time-varying electric and magnetic fields is ...


Poynting vector - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In physics, the Poynting vector represents the directional energy flux density (the rate of energy transfer per unit area) of an electromagnetic field. The SI unit of ...



The Ryugyong Hotel (Korean: 류경호텔) (sometimes anglicised as Ryu-Gyong Hotel or Yu-Kyung Hotel[5]) is a 105-storey pyramid-shaped skyscraper under construction in Pyongyang, North Korea. Its name ("capital of willows") is also one of the historical names for Pyongyang.[6] The building is also known as the 105 Building, a reference to its number of floors.[2] Construction began in 1987 but was halted in 1992 as North Korea entered a period of economic crisis after the fall of the Soviet Union.



Electromagnetic Waves - HyperPhysics
Georgia State University

which is called the Poynting vector. This expression is a vector product, and since the magnetic field is perpendicular to the electric field, the magnitude can be ...

Thus ..... the EM waves  working with EM agent  Jeffery Fowle  ... he traveled to North Korea as an EM carrier the EM field could have an EM = EMOTIONAL reunion with the  vector shaped building above that looks like Poynting vector. 

Em  reunion as Jeffrey Fowle, held by North Korea ...



Oct 22, 2014 - After five months of detention in North Korea, Jeffrey Fowle arrived home in ... Pyongyang's move is "a signal

n style="color: #000000;">
Thus  his subconscious MIND carried out its EM communications mission 



Above, the EARTH sphere shape and the Poynting vector represented by the vertical vector HOTEL in North Korea.


Thus the Jeffery Fowle message is similiar to the SikH temple message.


Both situations ..involve 


a) the K-channel message of biochemistry and neuroscience

b) both are linked to some EM frequency or infra-red skin emissions or bio-radio  ??????




Thus year 2015, we have some clues to some interesting puzzles  involving Nature's systems and its message systems.


January February March April May June July August (1) September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January February March April May June July August September October November December
January (1) February March April May June July August September October November December
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