The Earth Language military WORD - formaldehyde takes control of Western HemisphereRD-blog-number-5041 by Herb Zinser reviews the modern WORLD WAR ..... known as World War Z.
The chemistry component of the SCIENCE WARS of WORLD WAR Z ...and the Z military tools ... is centered on the Z --> Zwitterion concept.
Zwitterion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIn chemistry, a zwitterion is a neutral molecule with a positive and a negative electrical charge, though multiple positive and negative charges can be present. Zwitterions are distinct from dipoles, at different locations within that molecule.
While the Zwitterion neutral molecule concept is nice, Nature needs military molecule such as the formaldehyde.
The LANGUAGE thoughts can be transmitted several ways among human brain SYMBOL PROCESSORS .... that become can become comatose/ trance with the formaldehyde concept ...when the individual BRAIN or the community GROUP MIND loses its Zwitterion social engineering balance and neutrality. Thus it is very important for moleuclar structures such as humans and their human governments to observe moleuclar thought policies.
Let's look at the EARTH LANGUAGE concept ....the evolution of Nikola Tesla EARTH waves.
Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded MiddleFor the past few years, he had pondered the sigificance of waves and resonance ... A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same ...
Examples of EARTH geography regions that are EARTH LANGUAGE input/output Tesla sin wave regions are the Sinai Peninsula.
Below, notice the Sinai geography shape ...looks like the bottom half ..... the negative half of the sin wave shown above.
Israel Studies An Anthology: The Sinai War | Jewish Virtual ...One of the lesser known Arab-Israeli wars was the Sinai War. On October 29, 1956, Israel attacked Egyptian forces in the Sinai Peninsula, and the air forces of
Why Did Israel Take the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt in 1967 ...Why Did Israel Take the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt in 1967? ... Israel since the Suez war of 1956, and when this was done he closed the straits of Aqaba [Tiran]
Thus we see the negative half of the mathematical-physics TESLA sin wave ... get played out in visible DISPLAY of conflict/war in the SINAI EARTH geography region ...... thus the echo signature ..... Nature's systems feedback signal to university geography and geology WAR analysts.
Thus ..given the EARTH LANGUAGE and its Tesla waves as communication carrier waves ..... they can carry the information data set records of the formaldehyde molecule ... thru-out a civilian population and the PENTAGON ... who (in year 2015) has violated the molecular zwitterion neutral laws of brain molecular THOUGHT ... because of their in-bred thought system ... among themselves ...and ignoring those that study the SINAI war echo signature, Let's look at another blog post that covers an example of the SYMBOL MACHINE .... formaldehyde knowledge WARS at Virginia TECH.. Sherlock Holmes explains the RD-blog-number-5025 by Herb Zinser reviews Nature's systems and its generated data.
Chapter XI: Who Stole the Tarts? | Alice's Adventures in
by Lewis Carroll ... 'And that's the jury–box,' thought Alice, '
and those twelve creatures,' (she was ...
The twelve jurors were all writing very busily on slates. Twelve = number 12 and the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ... carbon jury with atomic social sciences and atomic social laws.
We shall review the hydrocarbon continuum and its expression systems ...that is ..... in the case of molecular social chemistry .... uses human carbon life forms as representatives, messengers, display devices, military policy ... action figures, concept carriers, etc.
Organic chemistry expression sytems - social chemistry signaling EVENTS Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa. The organic chemistry hydrocarbon WARS.
Let's look at the descriptions of a few situations about organic molecule wars ...the molecule and its DEATH equation by SYMBOLS ...the modern DEATH formula as outlined by Isaac Asimov and his FOUNDATION books and theory of psychohistory equations and social chemistry formula.. Earth Lab ..... via the chemistry glass stopper CODE
The organic chemistry EARTH LAB message from Virginia TECH and other locations.
Earth LAB is just Nature's larger version of the chemistry lab used by humans.
The EARTH Lab signaling event .... Virginia Tech police officer, one other killed on campus Virginia Tech police identified the slain officer as Deriek W. Crouse, 39, of Ch ristiansburg --> code CH of word --> Christainburg. The periodic atomic table language code Ch --> CH --> Carbon Hydrogen message situation ... hence, EARTH LANGUAGE and the Darwin SYMBOL selection of someone with a proper noun or identifier in their name or town ..... with code CH ..... enabling others to recognize the possible significance of signaling EVENT. CH --> information pointer to the hydrocarbon continuum of many structures ... including -->
Keywords and concepts
Thus...we have case of Lewis Carroll with Alice ..Thru the Looking Glass ----> EARTH systems and Nature ...LOOK via the Glass Stopper and Flask.
The most famous LAB event ....
The Lab event occurred at Fort (LAB) Hood in Killeen, Texas In November 2009.
2009 Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia
On November 5, 2009 , a mass murder took place at Fort Hood , near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Malik Hasan , a U.S. Army major in biochemistry WARFARE and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and ...
Let's look at organic chemistry messages and more information about Virginia TECH.
Darwinian selection process – DEATH equation of Virginia TECH, and others The atomic symbols used by Nature's hydrocarbon organic chemistry MILITARY molecule are Carbon and Hydrogen..
The DEATH command keyword of atoms and molecules ...... death selection system of the organic molecule continuum ……. which is Nature's base operating platform upon which 2-legged humans and 4-legged animals exist. Thus the underlying foundation of organic chemistry hydrocarbon molecules and their social chemistry thoughts can rise up and influence and/or control human thought and behavior. This is an example of the well-known Hierarchy Problem in physics …. scientists are upset because their wives told them they are superior to everything ……. thus they lose their philosophical perception of Man's partnership with Nature …. but, still a subset relationship with Nature.
Now, let's look at Virginia TECH and the chemistry ENGLISH language message EVENT ..the tragic signaling EVENT.
He was a senior-level undergraduate student at the university. The shooting rampage came to be known as the Virginia Tech shooting . Cho Cho was noted for being good at mathematics and English, and teachers pointed to him as an example for other students. Thus we see that the English department proper noun --> CHO has an identiity LINK to the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought ... the elements used to construct atomic, molecular humanoid expression devices ..... such as Mr.CHO with his English and mathematics background.
Thus ..Nature is saying that his atoms .... in the CHO sequence --> Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen knew some English and mathematics ..... that is the atoms within his body/ brain human package learned these things ... these SYMBOL LANGUAGES and CONCEPTS as he read, studied and did homework exercises AND LAB CLASS experiments with the textbooks in high school and in college. Thus we see the atomic level of EXISTENCE of Mr.CHO.
Now we have evolution from the atomic level .. a migration of ideas about structure and thought .. to the next level ..the molecule.
Thus, we are now at the molecular level at Virginia TECH ...with EARTH LAB molecule chemistry specimen Mr.CHO.
What identifiers ....what data exists in the data base ..what form is assigned by Nature's systems to CHO?. Formaldehyde - Formaldehyde is a naturally-occurring organic compound with the formula CH2O or HCHO. It is the simplest aldehyde and is also known by its systematic name ...Paraformaldehyde - Mannich reaction -
Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others
approximately two hours apart,
Above, the molecule expression code of 2H --> Hydrogen + Hydrogen ...per molecule configuration
Thus the molecule structure /e configuration ...created the OUTPUT event (the shooting) in a similar structure / configuration
Below ....... the H H configuration --> Norris Hall Connected Ambler Johnston Hall The connection mechanism accomplished by EARTH LAB via molecular communications agent: Mr.CHO
West Ambler Johnston shootings[edit]
to West Ambler Johnston Hall, a co-ed residence hall that housed 895 students,[18] at about 6:47 a.m. EDT.[3]:25[4] Normally, the hall was accessible only to its residents via magnetic key cards before 10:00 a.m.; Norris Hall shootings About two hours after the initial shootings, Cho entered Norris Hall, which houses the Engineering Science and Mechanics program among others, and chained the three main entrance doors shut. He placed a note on at least one of the chained doors, claiming
The next Virginia TECH chemistry expression EVENT was the shooting of police officer. Virginia Tech Shooter Identified – ABC New December 8th, 2011
The male suspect shot and killed Virginia Tech police officer Deriek Crouse in a parking lot Thursday afternoon before killing himself with the same handgun about a half-mile away, school officials said during a press conference Friday.
Crouse was killed after pulling over a Virginia Tech student in a traffic stop at around 12:15 p.m. Crouse –> subset symbol C –> suggests a Carbon atom message may be involved Deriek –> Der –> implies an oil derrick ……… hydrocarbon molecule continuum may be involved in this signaling EVENT what-is-an- oil - derrick .htm Thus ……Nature is drilling for information in the Carl Jung carbon molecule collective unconsciousness GROUP MIND of the Virginia TECH collective of organic life forms …. students, professors, and employees.
stop at around 12
stop at around 12 –> stop code stop at around 12 –> chemistry class stopper with carbon 12
Symbolism – Merriam-Websterwww. merriam symbolism
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
How Do You Remove a Stopper? – Chemistry – › About Education › Chemistry › Blog
Above Nature's world SYSTEM message for university chemistry and English departments.
Ross Truett Ashley, Virginia Tech Shooter, Was 22-Year-Old
Dec 9, 2011 - Police said Friday that Ross Truett Ashley, of Radford, was responsible for killing a Virginia Tech police officer Thursday, triggering a ... Virginia Tech police officer, one other killed on campus A Virginia Tech police officer was fatally shot Thursday during a routine traffic stop on the Blacksburg campus and a second person was found slain in a nearby parking lot after the gunman fled, the university reports.
Again, we have the INTERNAL molecular structure of 2 separate locations expressed in EXTERNAL format this case ... by 2 separate parking lots ....representing H = Hydrogen in the FORM --> FORMATION of the EVENT ..... modeled after Formaldehyde.
Above, the EARTH geography surface and its display platform ..... REALITY with 2 areas for cars / parked motor vehicles The above REALITY earth surface map / road map AND
Thus in year 2015, you have some clues about Nature's MILITARY molecule continuum expression systems …that will help you understand the incomplete explanations printed in the newspapers. The incomplete explanation involve the deeper levels of REALITY that may underlie an expression event.
Below, BIOLOGY LAB specimens in formaldehyde.
Now, let's look a MORE expressions of the formaldehyde moleucle VIA expressor Mr. CHO and his actions / behavior that reflect molecular properities of formaldehyde. Thus .... Mr.CHO existed as an entity upon the EARTH geography surface and its organic chemistry continuum ... a molecule platform .. much like a copper-wire a computer system with its operating platform ...of hardware and related software.
What is hydrology and what do hydrologists do? - Water ...United States Geological Survey May 30, 2014 - Hydrology has evolved as a science in response to the need to understand the complex water system of the earth and help solve water ....
help solve water .... help solve water .... help solve water .... and the formaldehyde MESSAGE from Virginia TECH
Now, let's look at another blog post that describes the carbon atom ... SUPREME COURT announcement that everyone ignores. It is important to see Nature's message format ... and indirect method .... but, the content of the carbon social authority and its legal message is clear. And the carbon atom ...... military actions and enforcement technology is very, very visible with many CLUEs left by a tragic EVENT and its database ............. information pointers to the carbon superiority MESSAGE to subset humans and their incorrect perceptions ... known, as the Hierarchy Problem in physics at the U of C --> Universe of Carbons and its education site known as the Univeristy of Chicago.
Let's look ................
Now, let's look at another Virginia TECH expression by formaldehye and its properties. We mentioned the water /hydrology classroom in Norris Hall reflected the molecle solution in water -->
Brand names: Formadon, Forma-Ray, Formalaz
Now let's look at the formaldehyde COLOR and its role in the Darwin selection of a shooting site on the Virginia TECH campus ........ the SYMBOL MACHINE words used to describe the color.
In case of highly dilute formaldehyde solutions, the color is rather amber In case of highly dilute formaldehyde solutions, the color is rather amber In case of highly dilute formaldehyde solutions, the color is rather amber
formaldehyde solutions, the color is rather amber formaldehyde solutions, the color is rather amber
formaldehyde solutions, the color is rather amber formaldehyde solutions, the color is rather amber, the color is rather amber --> information pointer to SELECT
Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia, the free Wikipedia Jump to West Ambler Johnston shootings - [edit]. Cho was seen near the entrance to West Ambler Johnston Hall, a co-ed residence hall that ..
Cho was seen near the entrance .Ch2o agent was seen near the entrance .Ch2o agent was seen near the trance /comatosebuilding ... the dormant brains that live in thedormitoryThus we see the evolution of molecules and their INTERNAL thoughts ..... and they become output thoughts ...that use human brains. Thus the brain transforms those formaldehyde thoughts into actions and behavior in the EXTERNAL world .......... that is .... the EARTH geography surface ...such as the land/soil/ campus of Virginia TECH. One model of the mechanism --->
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought of a formaldehyde molecule (the SYMBOLs associated with the molecule) that thus we see the source domain ..below .....of graphics, words, chemistry formula and adjectives and descriptions .......
chemistry --> soluble in water
Thus the above chemistry LAB and chemistry textbook ..... information ....get mapped to physical reality at Virginia TECH using advanced Darwinian selection methods with proper nouns, etc.
Thus the people and buildings and classroom selection ..for the creation of the EVENT ....thus Nature and its molecular military system ........ is like a Hollywood movie director ...... with the campus providing the props ..... the people and the buildings, water classrooms, etc.
Now, let's continue with the EARTH LANGUAGE view.
Now, we have the example of the oscillating wave WAR .... and the EARTH geography/ land /soil WAR expression site of the Sinai.
In the Western Hemisphere .. the oscillating sin wave MILITARY site ..... the EARTH ac(alternating cycles) land /ground of ac = acres of farm soil /agriculture land .. is in the
The EARTH OS --> OScillating military headquarters is located
City of OshkoshCity of Oshkosh Riverfront Visioning Workshops Summary Report, ... All e-mail sent to the City of Oshkosh is subject to the Wisconsin open records law.
The oscillating wave military CODES (EARTH military is public knowledge to subset human civilizations) ..............
Oshkosh Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaOshkosh Corporation, formerly Oshkosh Truck, is an American industrial
City of Oshkosh - Government Jobs22 records - Welcome to the City of Oshkosh's application process! Please .... All e-mail sent to the City of Oshkosh is subject to the Wisconsin open records law.
City of Oshkosh - Government JobsCity of Oshkosh - Government JobsCity of Os ............. ordered attack JobsCity of Oslo Norway Europe