Click on the title below to LINK to the blog post.
Part 1 - The Earth oscillation NODE wars
Part 2 - The EARTH oscillation NODE wars
Chicago HUMAN organic molecules
Paul Dirac and George OrwellTownship of Shields WAR zone
Gravity field secrets of humans
Hypothesis goals of human systems
BCS Brain insuranceUW, Milwaukee physics
U.S. Army mathMath government CLUES
Earth WAR at Lake SuperiorEarth iron core alphabet
Clinton - the Heavy Quark PresidentZinjan math war with Janesville, WisconsinFort Hood - Hydromagnetic battlePresident Kennedy and his Quantum tragedyZ-paper-1095 --> Cole HallSterling Hall and the 1970 Quantum WARS - Part 1Sterling Hall and the 1970 Quantum battle - Part 2
Computer Earth TIME cluesMagnetic field secrets of humansLand Grant ROTC military officer TOTZKEZ-paper-890 --> Zoellick atomic physics
ZP-1263 --> The 6-GUN gravity war signaling device
Z-paper-1064 --> Quantum RAMPAGEZ-paper-1057 --> Los Angeles PHYSICS battleZ-paper-1055 --> Pentagon KuWAIT gene WAR
Quantum STATE of MINDTexas Science WarsEnglish language war news